
food illustration

05 Jul '19

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New cookbook: Weil jede Mahlzeit zählt

This is cool news, but it comes with a grain of salt.

I painted six chapter covers for a new vegan cookbook with Deutscher Tierschutzbund (in German language). They are part of the campaign #WeilJedeMahlzeitZählt (“Because every meal counts”) … Read More

02 Mrz '17

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(Another) new cookbook: Knipp, Kohl und Klaben

Here’s another new cookbook filled with my illustrations: Knipp, Kohl und Klaben – Bremer Kult-Rezepte (Bremen cult recipes). Available everywhere as of this week, published by Carl Schünemann Verlag. I created close to 200 images for it, including the … Read More

08 Feb '17

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New illustrated cookbook: Vegan sweets

A little belated, but really nice announcement: There’s a new book out that features my illustrations! The fabulous “Vegane Süßigkeiten – Klassiker zum Selbermachen” (Vegan Sweets – Do-it-yourself Classics), by Anna-Lena Klapp from Veggietale, published by NeunZehn Verlag. There … Read More

21 Nov '16

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Veggie World Berlin: 26 – 27 Nov 2016

Short notice event: I’ll have a booth at this weekend’s vegan fair Veggie World Berlin! I’m taking all the food illustration prints of course, plus there will be enough space for Junicorns and some other critters of my illustration … Read More

28 Okt '16

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Solo exhibition of Vegan Food Illustration at Koffie Engel in Berlin: Nov/Dec 2016

I have a small exhibition coming up next week: All the Recipes with no Animal and other Vegan Food Illustration  will be displayed at the charming little vegan café Koffie Engel in Neukölln.  This nice place is worth … Read More

10 Okt '16

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Junicorn books at German Comic Con Berlin: 15 – 16 Oct 2016

I have two very cool pieces of news: A new book (whohoo!) plus a table at German Comic Con Berlin this weekend!

First: My Junicorn series is being printed in book format as I write this – so … Read More

22 Aug '16

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Danke & Malprozess: Veganes Sommerfest 2016

**** Wenn du ein Besucher warst, der nicht sofort den gewünschten Druck kaufen konnte, schick mir einfach eine E-Mail und ich schicke ihn dir per Post zu: mail [at] Ich werde versuchen, in naher Zukunft einen kleinen Online-Shop … Read More

11 Mrz '16

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Recipes with no Animal, plus postcards

Last autumn, I started creating illustrated recipes for my Vegan Food Illustration blog over on tumblr. Here are all four up to now, and many more to come. (German versions are at the very bottom.) The Dhal movie poster one … Read More